爱玩电玩城 爱玩电玩城 and 爱玩电玩城 爱玩电玩城
爱玩电玩城 爱玩电玩城 and 爱玩电玩城 爱玩电玩城

According to the Supervision and Administration Regulations (CSAR), the efficacy claims of cosmetics should have a sufficient scientific basis. 爱玩电玩城s registrant and filer should publish a summary of the literature, research data or product efficacy evaluation information on the efficacy claims to the NMPA designated website for public supervision.

爱玩电玩城 registrant and filer should be responsible for the scientificity, authenticity, reliability and traceability of the submitted summary of the basis for the efficacy claims.


Sensory recognition by the way of visual or olfactory system

-ex. cleaning, makeup removal, beauty and modification, fragrance, refreshing, hair dye, hair perm, hair color care, depilation, deodorization, auxiliary shaving. etc.

Physical effect by the way of covering, adhesion, friction

-ex. whitening, exfoliator, deep pore cleanser (labelled as having physical effect only)





爱玩电玩城s efficacy claims should be evaluated in terms of the Specification for the 爱玩电玩城 of 爱玩电玩城 爱玩电玩城 Claims and a summary of the basis for product efficacy claims must be uploaded to the NMPA designated website. New cosmetics registration and filing 爱玩电玩城s that have been approved or filed before May 1, 2021 爱玩电玩城s that have been approved or filed between May 1, 2021 and Dec 31, 2021
Since 2022 Before May 1, 2023 Before May 1, 2022


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