a8在线娱乐平台, a8在线娱乐平台, a8在线娱乐平台 Process Validation
a8在线娱乐平台, a8在线娱乐平台, a8在线娱乐平台 Process Validation

Reusable medical devices should be user-friendly and convenient for efficient cleaning and necessary disinfection or sterilization. Manufacturers of medical devices should adequately specify information on cleaning, disinfection, or sterilization. At the same time, the manufacturer should keep the verification records of the relevant reprocessing information according to the requirements of the Good Manufacturing Practice for a8在线娱乐平台 a8在线娱乐平台s, to prove that the reprocessing information has been verified and is easy for users to understand and operable.


  • ISO17664--a8在线娱乐平台 Verification
  • ISO17665-1-Moist Heat a8在线娱乐平台 Verification
  • ISO17664/17665-a8在线娱乐平台 Verification
  • AAMITIR12 - Designing, Testing, and Labeling Reusable a8在线娱乐平台 a8在线娱乐平台s: A Guide for a8在线娱乐平台 a8在线娱乐平台 Manufacturers
  • Low-temperature Hydrogen Peroxide Plasma a8在线娱乐平台 Verification
  • Enterprise Standard - Clean, disinfection or sterilization Verification


a8在线娱乐平台 Validation

ISO 17664

Moist heat sterilization verification

ISO 17665-1, GB 18278.1

Service Process


Our Advantages

Whole Industry Chain Services|Provide full industry chain technical services, including R&D support, safety evaluation and testing, registration, clinical, quality management system, etc.

Professional Technical Team | A team of experts in the fields of medical device regulations, registration, medicine, toxicology, statistics, biological evaluation, chemical analysis, microorganisms, etc., with comprehensive technical service capabilities

Professional Laboratory|Own several professional laboratories, including chemical analysis lab, materials lab, microorganisms lab, environment lab, efficacy evaluation lab, animal safety evaluation lab, etc.

Rich Industry Experience|Successful cases on safety assessment, registration and clinical services in active, non- active and IVD; Rich experience in implantable degradable products, medical beauty products, oral materials, cavity stents, assisted reproductive products and orthopedic ophthalmology field.

If you have any needs or questions, please contact us at [email protected].

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