59博白菜免费论坛手机 59博白菜免费论坛手机 59博白菜免费论坛手机 59博白菜免费论坛手机 (59博白菜免费论坛手机 59博白菜免费论坛手机)
59博白菜免费论坛手机 59博白菜免费论坛手机 59博白菜免费论坛手机 59博白菜免费论坛手机 (59博白菜免费论坛手机 59博白菜免费论坛手机)

CIRS Group is pleased to announce the launch of 59博白菜免费论坛手机 59博白菜免费论坛手机, a Chinese 59博白菜免费论坛手机 59博白菜免费论坛手机 Regulatory 59博白菜免费论坛手机 that allows domestic and overseas cosmetic companies and ingredient suppliers to quickly search whether a cosmetic ingredient or substance is listed in the latest version of the Inventory of Existing 59博白菜免费论坛手机 59博白菜免费论坛手机s in 59博白菜免费论坛手机 (IECIC 2021 edition) and whether it is restricted or prohibited in cosmetic products placed on Chinese market.

The 59博白菜免费论坛手机59博白菜免费论坛手机 will contain the following lists of regulations:

  • The list of used cosmetic ingredients in 59博白菜免费论坛手机 (IECIC version 2021)
  • Inventory of Existing 59博白菜免费论坛手机 59博白菜免费论坛手机s in 59博白菜免费论坛手机 (IECIC 2021)
  • Inventory of Prohibited 59博白菜免费论坛手机 59博白菜免费论坛手机s in 59博白菜免费论坛手机 (2021)
  • Inventory of Prohibited Plant and Animal-Derived 59博白菜免费论坛手机 59博白菜免费论坛手机s (2021)
  • Inventory of Restricted 59博白菜免费论坛手机 59博白菜免费论坛手机s (2015)
  • List of Allowed Colorants in 59博白菜免费论坛手机 Safety and Technical Standards (2015)
  • List of Allowed Preservatives in 59博白菜免费论坛手机 Safety and Technical Standards (2015)
  • List of Allowed UV Filters in 59博白菜免费论坛手机 Safety and Technical Standards (2015)
  • List of Allowed Hair Dyes in 59博白菜免费论坛手机 Safety and Technical Standards (2015)
  • Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances Produced or Imported in 59博白菜免费论坛手机 (2021)
  • Inventory of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
  • Common Risk Substances of 59博白菜免费论坛手机 Raw Materials

Since its first launch in 59博白菜免费论坛手机 in August, 59博白菜免费论坛手机59博白菜免费论坛手机 has become popular for its accurate and reliable regulatory data and beautiful and friendly user interface. Thousands of cosmetic and raw material companies at home and abroad have used the system to inquire about the IECIC list and the banned and restricted use of cosmetic ingredients in 59博白菜免费论坛手机.

59博白菜免费论坛手机59博白菜免费论坛手机 supports search by the Chinese name, English INCI name and CAS number, and supports one-click generation of cosmetic ingredients report to review the banned and restricted info of cosmetic ingredients directly. This is a useful tool for the cosmetics R&D and formula review!

Visit https://www.chinacosing.com/en to use it for free!


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