伯爵棋牌安卓版 EPA 伯爵棋牌安卓版 伯爵棋牌安卓版s: Strengthening 伯爵棋牌安卓版 of 伯爵棋牌安卓版 伯爵棋牌安卓版s 伯爵棋牌安卓版
Published: Author: Visits: 110


On September 28, 2023, U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced an important new rule under the Toxic Substances 伯爵棋牌安卓版 Act (TSCA), requiring manufacturers of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (伯爵棋牌安卓版) to provide more data for better regulation. 伯爵棋牌安卓版s are a large class of chemically stable organic fluorides known for their water and stain resistance, as well as good insulation. They find extensive use in various industrial sectors, including food packaging, electronics, leather and apparel, construction and household applications, firefighting, and medical supplies. However, 伯爵棋牌安卓版s are persistent and migrate in the environment, making them difficult to degrade. They are also called persistent chemicals and have posed a significant threat to human health and the ecological environment.

The new rule requires anyone who has manufactured (including imported) 伯爵棋牌安卓版 or 伯爵棋牌安卓版-containing articles since January 1, 2011 to report certain data to EPA, including 伯爵棋牌安卓版 uses, production volumes, disposal, exposures, and hazards. However, 伯爵棋牌安卓版 used in pesticides, food, food additives, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics or medical devices are exempt from this rule. This rule will come into effect on November 13, 2023 .

According to 40 CFR Part 705 issued by the EPA, 伯爵棋牌安卓版 is defined as including at least one of these three structures:

(1) R–(CF2)–CF(R') R", where both CF2 and CF moieties are saturated carbons;

(2) R–CF2OCF2–R', where R and R' can either be F, O, or saturated carbons; and

(3) CF3C (CF3) R' R", where R' and R" can either be F or saturated carbons;

EPA has determined that at least 1462 伯爵棋牌安卓版 known to have been made or used in the U.S. since 2011 will be subject to the final rule, better capturing the important data the agency needs to protect human health and the environment from these chemicals.

According to the new rule, enterprises have manufactured (including imported) 伯爵棋牌安卓版 since 2011 will have 18 months following the effective date of this rule to report 伯爵棋牌安卓版 data to EPA. Small enterprises that only report imported 伯爵棋牌安卓版-containing articles will have 24 months from the effective date of this rule to report 伯爵棋牌安卓版 to EPA. Enterprises that fail to comply will be subject to civil penalties.

Additionally, on October 20, 2023, the U.S EPA finalized rule to require enhanced 伯爵棋牌安卓版 reporting to the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI).

In order to better regulate the persistent chemicals, the U.S. EPA improved reporting on 伯爵棋牌安卓版 to the TRI by eliminating an exemption that allowed facilities to avoid reporting information on 伯爵棋牌安卓版 when those chemicals were used in small concentrations. Because they are used at low concentrations in many products. This change enables the EPA to acquire more comprehensive 伯爵棋牌安卓版 data for better environmental protection and public health preservation.

If you need any assistance or have any questions, please get in touch with us via [email protected].

Further Information

EPA finalizes rule require reporting 伯爵棋牌安卓版 data, better protect communities forever

EPA finalizes rule require reporting 伯爵棋牌安卓版 data, better protect communities forever

Minnesota will Completely Ban 伯爵棋牌安卓版 from 2025

Collection of 伯爵棋牌安卓版 Bans in Various States of the United States