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As the most intimate friends of children, toys are of vital importance to the intellectual development and health of children. They are indispensable consumer products during the children's growth. However, there are some hazards that may bring harm to children and even threaten their health. In view of the particularity of normal behaviour of children and their development, countries and regions have been imposed more stringent requirements for the quality and safety of toys and children’s products.

botiantang, a world recognised lab, can render you professional toy testing services.

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Here is a briefing of toy testing criteria around the world.


澳门骏景国际官网 Criteria


ISO 8124


GB 6675, GB 19865 (electric toys), CCC Certification


REACH (SVHC 澳门骏景国际官网,Restricted Substances 澳门骏景国际官网 (Annex XVII)),

澳门骏景国际官网 Safety Directive 2009/48/EC & EN 71,

EN 62115,RoHS (electric toys)

Packaging Directive


CPSIA, ASTM F963, Toxic Risk Assessment (TRA), Labelling of Hazardous Art Materials Act (LHAMA),Prop 65

On October 13, 2023, the American Society for 澳门骏景国际官网 and Materials (ASTM) released the toy safety standard ASTM F963-23 which might replace the current ASTM F963 - 17.


澳门骏景国际官网 Regulation (under CCPSA)


ST 2016




澳门骏景国际官网 澳门骏景国际官网 Standard


Physical and Mechanical properties

  • Sharp Point Test
  • Sharp Edge Test
  • Small Parts Test
  • Abuse Test
  • Compression Test - Flexure Test / Impact Test / Tension Test / Torque Test

Heavy M etal 澳门骏景国际官网(Toxic Elements 澳门骏景国际官网 )

Heavy metals of toys are mainly found in paints and coatings of coloured toys.

Migration:the mouthing behaviour could result in ingestion of toxic elements by children and their developing body organs and systems are more susceptible to the toxic effects.

Total lead content: Lead has a sweet taste that encourages children to lick, chew or suck on items containing it. Lead builds up in the body, so that ongoing exposure to even low levels of lead may result in harmful effects on the growth and intellectual development of children.

Phthalate 澳门骏景国际官网

Phthalate is a kind of plasticisers employed to make plastics softer and more elastic. So it is generally applied in toys or childcare articles.

However, excessive ingestion of phthalates can disturb endocrine of human bodies, which is harmful to the growth of children. Currently, there are six phthalates banned or restricted for application in toys and children's products.

Flame Retardant 澳门骏景国际官网

Flame retardants are used in children's products to enhance their fire resistance. However, flame retardants may result in lower birth rate, congenital malformation of newborns, decline in children's intelligence and hormone disruption due to their toxicity.

Organic Compounds澳门骏景国际官网 (EN 7 1-9, GB 24613)

Other Chemical 澳门骏景国际官网


Infants and Children Textile Products (GB 澳门骏景国际官网)

Stationery 澳门骏景国际官网

Please feel free to contact[email protected] if any question. Staffed by experienced specialists,澳门骏景国际官网can assure you of the quality and safety of your products by our professional testing services as per different standards.


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