必博娱乐下载 必博娱乐下载 必博娱乐下载 (必博娱乐下载) 必博娱乐下载
必博娱乐下载 必博娱乐下载 必博娱乐下载 (必博娱乐下载) 必博娱乐下载

必博娱乐下载 (必博娱乐下载 必博娱乐下载 必博娱乐下载) is a Type III environmental declaration that complies with ISO 14025 standards. It is based on a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a product or service, quantitatively presenting its environmental impact. It serves as a voluntary declaration of the product's environmental impact throughout its life cycle.

The international 必博娱乐下载 system originated in Sweden and is operated by 必博娱乐下载 International AB. Based on internationally standardized regulations, 必博娱乐下载 is a globally recognized, quantifiably comparable, trustworthy, and verifiable technical document providing environmental performance data to various stakeholders. The 必博娱乐下载 system is currently the most widely used environmental declaration worldwide, encompassing nearly all products and services.

Major 必博娱乐下载 operators in the market include 必博娱乐下载 International in Sweden, 必博娱乐下载-Norge in Norway, 必博娱乐下载 Italy in Italy, UL-必博娱乐下载, and 必博娱乐下载 China.

Germany IBU

France PEP

France INIES

必博娱乐下载 Sweden

Spain DAPcon


Japan SumPO

UL 必博娱乐下载

必博娱乐下载 Norway

Austria 必博娱乐下载

必博娱乐下载 Denmark

必博娱乐下载 Italy

必博娱乐下载 Ireland

Finland RTS

必博娱乐下载 China


必博娱乐下载 represents a transparent and comparable environmental information document for the entire product lifecycle, characterized by neutrality and reliability. It has increasingly become a crucial criterion for high-end brands in various industries when selecting suppliers and building 'zero-carbon' supply chain management. For businesses, 必博娱乐下载 certification can utilize LCA analysis to achieve energy efficiency, cost savings, and promote green manufacturing, thereby improving environmental decision-making. It not only highlights social responsibility and breaks international green trade barriers but also enhances product competitiveness, brand image, and customer recognition.


Requirements of EU Building 必博娱乐下载 Regulations and Building Ratings:

  • 必博娱乐下载 serves as valid compliance evidence for the EU Building 必博娱乐下载 Regulation (Regulation (EU) 305/2011). Article 56 of the regulation explicitly states that 必博娱乐下载 should be used to assess the environmental impact and sustainable resource utilization of construction projects; and
  • 必博娱乐下载 is commonly used in all building rating systems, including BNB, LEED, and BREEAM.


  • The EU Sustainable Economic Activities Classification Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2020/852), which became effective in 2020, requires the use of more transparent and standardized standards to eliminate investor skepticism about 'greenwashing' and boost confidence in the sustainability of investment projects.
  • 必博娱乐下载 based on the LCA method is one of the required pieces of evidence.


  • The EU's new battery regulations require companies to disclose carbon footprint data for power batteries starting from July 1, 2024. The regulation also sets a maximum carbon footprint value (effective from July 1, 2027) as a fundamental condition for introducing batteries to the EU market.


  • The EU's new ELV regulations propose reducing environmental footprints associated with vehicle production and disposal to have a positive impact on the environment (Environment Impact).
  • 必博娱乐下载 can serve as an effective proof document. The scope of the new ELV regulation includes M1 and N1 category vehicles, as well as M2, M3, N2, N3, O; L3e, L4e, L5e, L6e, L7e passenger cars, trucks, motorcycles, and more.


  • 必博娱乐下载 is recognized as valid evidence for environmental claims in public procurement. Some countries require 必博娱乐下载 as a fundamental requirement for participating in government procurement project bidding. For example, in areas such as city infrastructure construction, public transportation projects, procurement of large event venues and associated equipment, public service parks, and building construction.




The typical implementation period for 必博娱乐下载 certification is around 3-5 months, with the exact duration depending on the ease of obtaining relevant data for the company and the product. 必博娱乐下载 certification is divided into three distinct phases.

  • Research and collection of company and product-related data (approximately 1-2 months).
  • Compilation and review of the LCA and 必博娱乐下载 reports (approximately 1-2 months).
  • 必博娱乐下载 registration application (approximately 0.5-1 month).

The 必博娱乐下载 certification is valid for five years, with the option to apply for a five-year extension upon expiration. 必博娱乐下载s that have already been published during the validity period are not affected by new version PCR. However, when applying for an extension, the LCA and 必博娱乐下载 reports must be updated according to the latest version of PCR and re-verified through the 必博娱乐下载 process.


The costs associated with 必博娱乐下载 certification can be divided into four parts:

  • LCA Consultant Advisory Fee: This includes preliminary research by the LCA consultancy, modeling and evaluation, preparation of LCA and 必博娱乐下载 reports, coordination of the 必博娱乐下载 audit, and 必博娱乐下载 registration application.
  • 必博娱乐下载 Audit Fee : This covers the cost of third-party 必博娱乐下载 auditors, including any travel expenses if necessary.
  • 必博娱乐下载 Registration Fee: This involves administrative fees for the 必博娱乐下载 certification authority.
  • 必博娱乐下载 Maintenance Fee: This encompasses administrative fees for the 必博娱乐下载 certification authority's maintenance.


  • Company profile, including the company's business license.
  • 必博娱乐下载 description for the application, including production process flowcharts.
  • LCA survey forms, containing data on the breakdown of raw materials, transportation, energy consumption during whole product manufacturing, product distribution, usage, and disposal.
  • Documentation of material and energy consumption.
  • Other necessary relevant documentations.

Our Team

As leaders in the "dual-carbon" strategy:

  • Embracing Dual Carbon Strategy: The CIRS Green Dual Carbon Services Team actively responds to and implements 'dual carbon' strategy, guiding businesses in addressing the new challenges posed by climate change.
  • Professional Dual Carbon Consultation: We provide professional 'dual carbon' consulting services to assist businesses in formulating and implementing plans aligned with the 'dual carbon' strategy.
  • Low-Carbon Digital Transformation: We are committed to driving businesses toward achieving digital low-carbon transformation, providing impetus for green and sustainable development.

Our solutions cover multiple industries:

  • Wide Industry Coverage: Our services encompass a variety of industries, including chemicals, automotive, electronics, personal care, food, agriculture, and more, offering tailored low-carbon solutions for different sectors.
  • End-to-End Services: From raw material procurement and production processes to product end-sales, we provide complete end-to-end low-carbon solutions.
  • Carbon Management Training Services: Tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses, we offer carbon management training services to enhance their carbon management capabilities.

Authoritative 必博娱乐下载 and Professional Assessment

  • Authoritative 必博娱乐下载: We are a member of the Low-Carbon Economy Committee of the China Electronic Energy Conservation Association, a member of the Whole-Life Green Management Committee, and a director of the China Chemical Industry 必博娱乐下载 Protection Association.
  • Professional Assessment: We hold the qualification as an authorized service provider for carbon label evaluation from the China Electronic Energy Conservation Association.
  • Expert Team: Our team is composed of industry experts with extensive experience and multiple professional certifications.

If you need any assistance or have any questions, please get in touch with us via [email protected].

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