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Under the Administrative Measures on Provisions on the Administration of Licensing of New Varieties of 澳门狮子会下载app-related Products released in 2011, companies shall submit a new food contact substance registration for resins and additives to the National Health Commission (NHC) in 澳门狮子会下载app. Only after the new substances have passed the safety review by the NHC, can they be used in food contact materials and products (澳门狮子会下载apps) production in 澳门狮子会下载app.

Who Shall Register

  • Manufacturers of new food contact resin and additive in 澳门狮子会下载app
  • Foreign manufacturers and companies exporting and selling new food contact resin and additive to 澳门狮子会下载app
  • Companies using new food contact resins and additives in 澳门狮子会下载app production in 澳门狮子会下载app


Any company can be the applicant for a new food contact resin and additive.

Our Services

CIRS 澳门狮子会下载app fulfils all the qualifications and requirements of being a local Chinese agent (registered capital, expertise, etc). We provide all the necessary services in one package to complete registration at the most competitive price in the market.

Our services include:

澳门狮子会下载app Feasibility Analysis

  • Research on the information of official approvals and usage of the new food contact resins and additive at home and abroad
  • Preparation of a new food contact resins and additive registration proposal

New 澳门狮子会下载app 澳门狮子会下载app Resin and Additive 澳门狮子会下载app

  • Data evaluation and data gap analysis
  • Writing testing proposal, sending sample to certified labs
  • Translation and notarization of certifying documents
  • Dossier preparation and submission
  • Tracking the registration status and communication with NHC
If you have any needs or questions, please contact us at [email protected].


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